1,001 Characters #7: Seven
7. Seven 659928 ex-Other Age 38 5 Terms
Skills: Shotgun-1, Electronics-1, Bribery-1, Dagger-1, Gambling-1, Brawling-1
Benefits: Cr20,000, Autopistol, Low Psge, Pension Cr4000
Seven is quite smart (INT-9), but poorly educated (EDU-2). She’s had to endure a lot in her life, but this has made here tougher than usual (END-9) for someone her size (STR-6). She can be a little awkward (DEX-5) and she does not like to dance for this reason. She likes to enjoy the good things in life but not over indulge herself (SOC-8).
Seven has led a colourful life in the Vini Fura criminal scene. Beginning with armed robbery (Shotgun-1) and burglary (Electronics-1). Seven developed a knack for buying people off to cover her tracks (Bribery-1) and avoid doing too much prison time, although it did catch up with her in the end. Seven did serve a few years in the local prison system where she learned to gamble and to defend herself and her winnings, when she won (Gambling-1, Brawling-1 and Dagger -1).
After serving her time and being released Seven was forced to leave her homeworld. Apparently she had killed the wrong person while in prison and now there is a contract out on her head.
Referee: Seven is a drifter, with multiple personality disorder, she is in fact only one of seven (known) distinct personalities. Seven normally appears to be a person of ambiguous gender, and can easily be mistaken for either male or female, she is in fact a hermaphrodite, but identifies as a female. However she seems to undergo some sort of physical and mental transformation when one of her alters takes over, usually under stressful situations (roll 2D6 for 8+, usually the change is random, but a roll of exactly 12 allows the player/referee to choose which alter takes control).
Seven’s Alters Table
D6 Alter
1 Melina Toten
2 Wyatt Nakada
3 Jinny Byrn
4 Oz Barrick
5 Loki Dituri
6 Raven Quintan
Melina Toten 755A67 ex-Merchant 4th Officer Age 22 1 Term
Skills: Steward-1, Gunnery-1
Benefits: Low Psge
Melina is a little smarter (INT-A), and better educated (EDU-6). She’s nowhere near as tough as Seven (END-5), but she is a little taller and fuller figured than Seven (STR-7). She’s just as awkward as Seven (DEX-5) but she loves to dance, especially to music with a strong and heavy beat. She likes to enjoy the good things in life but is satisfied with less than Seven usually prefers (SOC-7).
Melina apparently spent a few years aboard an armed Free Trader, primarily as the ship’s steward (Steward-1), but also serving as a gunner when needed (Gunnery-1). She doesn’t remember leaving the ship, and she misses her friends aboard her.
Referee: When Melina takes over she appears to grow a centimetre or two taller, her figure fills out more and the years appear to fall away. Suddenly the 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by a much younger individual, with softer features and very obvious female attributes. This young woman calls herself Melina Toten and is wondering why she is wearing such drab clothes.
Wyatt Nakada 937965 ex-Marine Age 22 1 Term
Skills: Cutlass-1, Shotgun-1, Brawling-1
Benefits: TAS Membership
Wyatt is just as smart as Seven (INT-9), and better educated (EDU-6). He’s not as tough as Seven (END-7), but he’s taller with a heavier frame (STR-9). Wyatt is like a bull in a china shop (DEX-3) and if anyone accuses him of dancing, they better get ready for a beatin’. Wyatt is satisfied with less comfort than Seven usually prefers (SOC-5).
Wyatt says he was a marine serving with the Deseret Marines for a few years. He’s had experience with boarding actions (Cutlass-1, Shotgun-1, Brawling-1). He apparently has been awarded a TAS membership, for services rendered. What those services were, he refuses to say.
Referee: When Wyatt takes over he appears to grow several centimetres taller, and seems to develop some additional muscle, and the years appear to fall away. The 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by a rather large 22 year old man, calling himself Wyatt Nakada and wondering why his clothes are so tight and where the nearest TAS hostel is located.
Jinny Byrn 9A87C7 ex-Navy Age 34 4 Terms
Skills: Dagger-1, Medical-1, Pilot-1, JoT-1
Benefits: Cr10,000, High Psge, Low Psge
Jinny is not quite as smart as Seven (INT-7), but she is very well educated (EDU-C). She’s not as tough as Seven (END-8), but she’s taller with a heavier fuller frame (STR-9). Jinny is very graceful and well coordinated (DEX-A), and while she doesn’t often dance she is very good at it. Jinny is comfortable with slightly less than Seven usually prefers (SOC-7).
Jinny apparently served with the Indid Navy for a few years. She was trained as a medic (Medical-1) taking instruction in knife fighting, she was once forced to defend her patient with a scalpel during a boarding action (Dagger-1). Jinny also undertook flight training and has had experience as a ship’s pilot (Pilot-1). Her time aboard ship has also taught her to adapt to changing situations and solve problems as they arise (JoT-1).
Referee: When Jinny takes over she appears to grow a few centimetres taller, and develop some additional muscle, along with a fuller figure and her features alter to those of someone a few years younger. The 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by a well built , 34 year old woman, calling herself Jinny Byrn and wondering why her clothes are so tight.
Oz Barrick 948573 ex-Scout Age 24 1½ Terms
Skills: Pilot-1, Grav Vehicle-1, Gunnery-1
Benefits: Low Psge
Oz is not as smart as Seven (INT-5), but is better educated (EDU-7). He’s not quite as tough as Seven (END-8), but he’s taller with a heavier build (STR-9). Oz is rather uncoordinated (DEX-4), and is not comfortable dancing. Oz is used to considerably less comfort than Seven usually prefers (SOC-3).
Oz apparently served with the MEK (Moni Exploration Korps) for a few years. He learned to pilot scoutships (Pilot-1), operate all sorts of grav vehicles (Grav Vehicle-1) and ships weapons systems (Gunnery-1). Oz was apparently discharged due to injury.
Referee: When Oz takes over he appears to grow several centimetres taller, and develop some additional muscle and rather surprisingly a burn scar that runs down the left side of his body from temple to ankle. This scar tissue is far thicker on the leg and impedes Oz’s movements, the injury still causes him some pain, resulting in a slight limp. The 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by a scarred 24 year old man, calling himself Oz Barrick and wondering why his clothes are so tight and where the nearest bar is.
Loki Dituri 7262AA ex-Navy Age 28 2½ Terms
Skills: Vacc Suit-1, Engineering-1, Fwd Obs-1
Benefits: Low Psge, Foil
Loki is rather slow of wit (INT-2), but despite that he is well educated (EDU-A). He’s not as tough as Seven (END-6), but he’s a little taller and slightly more solid (STR-7). Loki is awkward and struggles with some tasks (DEX-2), but he is light on his feet and a skilled dancer (treat as DEX-A). Loki is used to considerably more comfort than Seven usually prefers (SOC-A).
Loki apparently served with the Cepheian Navy for a few years. He was trained as an engineer (Engineering-1), he learned to conduct repairs whilst in vaccuum (Vacc Suit-1) and was also trained as a forward observer (Fwd Obs-1). During his last assignment he was assigned to a Marine squad as their forward observer and was injured badly during a raid on a pirate base.
Referee: When Loki takes over he appears to grow a few centimetres taller, and develop a little more muscle and rather surprisingly a horrible scar that runs down the length of his right arm. Loki cannot use that arm, and it hangs limply at his side. So he often secures it with a special belt to stop it flopping around. Loki is right handed and hasn’t adjusted well to the impairment. The 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by a scarred 28 year old man, calling himself Loki Dituri and wondering who dressed him in these rags.
Raven Quintan 675987 ex-Army Major Age 34 4 Terms
Skills: Rifle-3, SMG-1, Brawling-1, Fwd Obs-1, Tactics-3
Benefits: Cr40,000, Rifle, Mid Psge
Raven is as smart as Seven (INT-9), and better educated (EDU-8). She’s not as tough as Seven (END-5), She’s roughly the same size as Seven (STR-6). She’s reasonably coordinated (DEX-7) but prefers to remain still, dancing isn’t her thing. She’s used to having slightly less than Seven is comfortable with (SOC-7).
Raven served as a mercenary off world, she became a sniper and a damned good one too (Rifle-3, Tactics-3), Part of her job included spotting for artillery, ortillery and airstrikes (Fwd Obs-1). She carried a submachinegun for close combat situations (SMG-1) and has been instructed in and practised unarmed combat (Brawling-1)
Referee: When Raven takes over her figure fills out a little to a recognisably female shape and her features alter to those of someone a few years younger. Suddenly the 38 year old androgynous Seven is replaced by 34 year old woman, with a thousand yard stare, calling herself Raven Quintan and wondering where her rifle is.
Referees Notes for Seven and the gang: Seven and her alters have about 70 years of experience between them, covering almost the entire subsector, and all Book 1 careers. When one personality takes over, they undergo a physical, as well as a mental, transformation. The extent of which seems to indicate that this is a bit more than a case of Multiple Personality Disorder (yes, I am aware it has been renamed to Dissociative Identity Disorder).
The seven personalities are not consciously aware of each other, but subconsciously there is a vague sense of their presence, enough that each of them will subconsciously hold onto the possessions of the others. If questioned about these items, identity papers included, the personality in control will explain them as keepsakes, heirlooms or some other sentimental object. There appears to be some sort of compact operating subconsciously between the alters, one in which they will not mess with another alter’s personal effects, except where necessary to retain possession of said items. Thus Seven has amongst her personal baggage, six sets of identity papers, with several credit cards under different names, some travel vouchers, a rifle, a foil and a TAS membership card for one Wyatt Nakada, but would never dream of using any of them. They are simply keepsakes which she feels a need to have with her. She will feel genuine distress if any of it goes missing, and may go to extraordinary lengths to recover the missing items. In fact an item going missing, especially an important one like Raven’s rifle, Loki’s Foil or Wyatt’s TAS membership card, may well trigger a change of control, (roll as normal, but if 10+ is rolled the alter whose stuff is missing takes control).
Regarding the physical changes: You can play it down a bit, by explaining the height changes as a difference in stance, the way they carry themselves, a change in resting facial expression, muscle mass doesn’t need to actually change, but may be reflected in how they use what is already there. The actual appearance of having more muscle could be reflected in how much flesh they reveal and their stance. The scars on Oz and Loki will be largely hidden by clothing, hairstyles and perhaps makeup. I assume that the hair remains the same colour and length (probably long), with each alter having their own preferred hair style; Oz being likely to wear his long hair pulled back into a ponytail or top not revealing the scar tissue that the others hide. In regards to gender changing: Seven is a hermaphrodite with both sets of sexual organs, although in her case they are somewhat atrophied and not readily apparent to the casual observer, a medical examination (or deliberate inspection of her naked body) will reveal her physical nature. With the change of control the body is flooded with hormones of the appropriate sex. This has the effect of enhancing the relevant physical traits, altering the body to a more recognisably male or female form depending on the personality in control. The results are different for each alter. Each is recognisably a different person both in appearance and behaviour.
On the other hand you could play the changes up as some weird science fiction stuff. Such that the changes are really profound with hair colour and length altering, height and muscle mass actually changing, breasts growing or flattening, facial hair growing or receding, physical age altering, scar tissue forming where none was before, in this case the changes can be dramatic and occur quickly.
Vini Fura 0301 D7A8402-5 S Ni
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