1,001 Characters #44: Zsu Zsu

44. Zsu Zsu    425496   ex-Merchant 3rd Officer      Age 42      6 Terms

Skills: Vacc Suit-2, Steward-2, Medical-1, Shotgun-1, Bribery-1, Jack of Trades-1, Electronics-1.

Benefits: Cr60,000, Low Psg (x3), Shotgun, Retirement Pay: Cr6,000


     Zsu Zsu was born on Neith, a world with acidic oceans and a corrosive atmosphere. There are only a few tiny islands with ancient domed cities. These domed cities are very crowded and the current technological level is far below that of the original builders. Zsu Zsu like a lot of Neithians searched for a way off-world, since this is against the law on Neith she was forced to smuggle herself through the security zone surrounding the starport. Once inside she approached several ships asking to sign on, but was rejected by them all, finally she found a ship willing to hire her (Drafted: 5), a free trader called the "Waldeck".

    Initially she was taught how to use a Vacc Suit properly (Vacc Suit-1), just in case, and was also seconded to the ships medic (Medical-1). It was tough at first, but gradually she became used to the life of a free trader. (Term 1)

    Zsu Zsu clocked up a lot of suit time over the years (Vacc Suit-2), and was eventually commissioned as 4th Officer. She was also given the task of seeing to the needs of the few passengers they carried, a job she quickly became good at (Steward-1). (Term 2)

    During a deal gone wrong Zsu Zsu was stabbed. She blasted her assailant across the room with a shotgun she had picked up during the fray, which saved her from further injury, but she still bears the scar to this day (Rolled a total of 5 for survival). She kept the shotgun and taught herself how to use it properly (Shotgun-1). (Term 3)

    A string of trade deals involving goods of questionable provenance, and occasional smuggling, saw Zsu Zsu acquire some experience with corrupt officialdom (Bribery-1). During this time she also began to notice some grey hairs and experience some nagging joint pain (Ageing: -1 DEX). (Term 4)

    By now she'd served aboard the Waldeck for sixteen years and the ship was also beginning to show her age. Zsu Zsu got plenty of practise finding workarounds and making minor repairs to the old girl. Having to fill in for retired or lost crew members overt he years had given her a knack for quickly figuring out how to do things for which she hadn't been trained. (Jack of Trades-1). Medical tests showed a gradual decline in muscle mass due to age apparently (Ageing: -1 STR). (Term 5)

    As she spent a fair bit of this term acting as the ship's steward again and clearly improved her skill in this area, as the ship was becoming quite popular for it's cuisine and attentive steward (Steward-2). Since this popularity saw an increase in passenger bookings, the captain promoted her to 3rd Officer as a reward. With the able assistance of the ship's engineer she worked on the ship's galley, in order to improve efficiency and the quality of food services aboard ship and learned a lot from him in the process (Electronics-1). The pain in her joints had begun to impact on her work and life in general (Ageing: -1 DEX), so she began to think of retirement. Eventually deciding to retire at the end of the term. (Term 6) 

Mustering Out: 3rd Officer Zsu Zsu had managed to save up about Cr60,000, she still had her shotgun, and was issued with three Low Passage tickets to help her on her way. Additionally she could claim her retirement pay of Cr6,000 at any class A or B starport.


    Neith    0310    D9BA87B-6    Na    Wa                                             G*

Referee: Zsu Zsu has an identifying scar from a stab wound received earlier in her career (referee's or player's choice as to where exactly the scar is located). She has a strong dislike towards the legal professions, especially law enforcement, a carry over from her homeworld society perhaps.






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