Painting NSL Panzergrenadiers

    I looked at my Panzergrenadiers and realised that I didn't like the original paint job. So I decided to repaint them. I started by picking an autocannon and crew which I hadn't got around to painting as test subjects.

    I wanted to try to replicate the flecktarn camouflage of the Bundeswehr. In my zeal I failed to notice that the dark green makes up about 30% of the overall colour and instead used a colour called "Sky" (a sort of really pale green) as the base coat. For those interested I use Tamiya acrylic paints and Sky is XF-21.

    I did try the dark green base colour on a later test and it was way too dark. So when I moved onto painting a full platoon I stuck to my original Sky base coat.

     I have two platoons worth of NSL Panzergrenadiers, but since I'm not likely to use both in a game, I decided that I would paint each a different colour scheme to represent different forces. I've chosen my flecktarn scheme for the NSL Panzergrenadiers and I'll have to come up with another scheme for the others.

    I followed the organisation provided in the SG II rulebook, so I have five squads; a Platoon HQ squad, three rifle squads and a Power Armour squad.

I also painted up a squad of FSE Legionnaires
I removed the jump packs from the PA, but I am considering replacing them

LKPzW VIs for the Panzergrenadiers
I still need to do a vehicle to carry the PA suits, one of these is for the PA troopers when they are not suited up.


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