Third French Empire, Part 1

I've been working on the Third French Empire's forces, using GZG's FSE miniatures. The range includes separate packs of troops wearing helmets and troops wearing kepis. Both groups wear the same uniform and body armour, however the helmet includes a full visored face mask which may be meant to represent sealable armour for operating in hostile environments. 

I bought one of each pack available, and I was thinking of organising them into two different forces; Infanterie de Marine and Légion étrangère, the former would wear helmets while the latter would wear the kepi. I had TO&Es from Stargrunt II, Tomorrow's War and Force on Force to guide me. Since TW is the sci-fi version of FoF, it was natural for them to share similarities in force organisation. However, TW appears to have doubled the numbers of troops to a in this case.

I was reading 'By Dagger or Talon', in particular the section describing how to describe your aliens. The author talks about how the manufacturer usually has some overriding scheme in mind when he designs the miniature(s). With this in mind I looked at the miniatures available in each range, figuring that the manufacturer planned for all the figures to be part of a single unit, I tried to match the TO&Es with the available figures. 

I eventually decided to model it on the FoF organisation as it allowed me to create two whole infantry platoons out of my available figures, one with kepis and the other with helmets and face masks. Working on the principle that most French army units are organised along similar lines, these two platoons could be used to represent elements of pretty much any French force in high threat and/or low threat environments.

This organisation yields a 21 man platoon, 31 if you include APC crews.


Légion étrangère () (for Tomorrow’s War)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8-D10
Morale: D8-D12
Confidence Level: Confident to High
Supply Quality Level: Poor to Normal
Overall Tech Level: 2-3
On Grid? Sometimes (TL3)
Body Armor: Hard Armour (2D)

Typical Unit Attributes:
  • Forward Observer
  • Terminal Air Controller
  • Pointman
  • Indigenous Scout
  • Old School
  • Medic

LÉ Section de Combat (Platoon)
1x LÉ Groupe Commandement
1x LÉ Groupe Appui Anti Char
3x LÉ Groupes de Combat
        LÉ Groupe Commandement (HQ Squad)
                    1x Lieutenant w/FAMAS ACR
                    1x Sergent w/FAMAS ACR
                    1x CommsTech w/FAMAS ACR
                    2x Marksman w/Hecate IX AMR (TL2 Med. AGW AP:2/AT:2(M)
                    1x VBL or VAB

        LÉ Groupe Appui Anti Char (Anti-Tank Squad)
                    1x Caporal w/FAMAS ACR
                    2x Legionnaires w/Nemesis RAC (TL3 ATGM AP:4/AT:5(H) Deck 
                    2x Loaders w/FAMAS ACR
                    1x VBL or VAB

        LÉ Groupe de Combat (Squad)
                    1x Sergent w/FAMAS ACR
                    1x 300m Fire Team
                    1x 600m Fire Team
                    2x VBLs or 1x VAB

                 300m Fire Team
                               1x Caporal w/FAMAS ACR
                               1x Legionnaire w/LRAC 98 (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
                               1x Legionnaire w/FAMAS ACR

                 LÉ 600 m Fire Team
                               1x Caporal w/FAMAS ACR
                               1x Legionnaire w/Minimi A-SAW (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1)
                               1x Legionnaire w/FAMAS ACR

Légion étrangère () (for Stargrunt II)
Troop Quality: usually Regular D8 (Blue)
Mission Motivation: varies
Confidence Level: Confident
FSE Colonial Legion Battledress: D6
Mobility Type: Normal Infantry (6’’ or D6)

LÉ Section de Combat (Platoon)
1x LÉ Groupe Commandement
1x LÉ Groupe Appui Anti Char
3x LÉ Groupes de Combat
         LÉ Groupe Commandement (HQ Squad)
                     1x Lieutenant w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x Sergent w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x CommsTech w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     2x Snipers w/FA-75/F2 Gauss Sniper Rifle (FP: D10, Impact: D12)
                     1x AGCI-5B

         LÉ Groupe Appui Anti Char (Anti-Tank Squad)
                     1x Caporal w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     2x Legionnaires w/Mistral-5 GMS/P (Guidance: D8, Impact: D12)
                     2x Loaders w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x AGCI-5B

         LÉ Groupe de Combat (Squad)
                     1x Sergent w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x Caporal w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x Legionnaire w/Mistral-5 GMS/P (Guidance: D8, Impact: D12)
                     1x Legionnaire w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x Caporal w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x Legionnaire w/FM 77 SAW Gauss MG (FP: D10, Impact: D12)
                     1x Legionnaire w/FA 75 Gauss Assault Rifle (FP: 2, Impact: D12)
                     1x AGCI-5B

Now all I have to do is paint them up and buy the vehicles. Oh... and do up a TO&E for Alien Squad Leader 3.0 as well. Once the force is table ready I'll update with photos.

Five Alpha, out.


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