1,001 Characters #44: Zsu Zsu
44. Zsu Zsu 42 5496 ex-Merchant 3rd Officer Age 42 6 Term s Skills: Vacc Suit-2, Steward-2, Medical-1, Shotgun-1, Bribery-1, Jack of Trades-1, Electronics-1. Benefits: Cr60,000, Low Psg (x3), Shotgun, Retirement Pay: Cr6,000 Zsu Zsu was born on Neith, a world with acidic oceans and a corrosive atmosphere. There are only a few tiny islands with ancient domed cities. These domed cities are very crowded and the current technological level is far below that of the original builders. Zsu Zsu like a lot of Neithians searched for a way off-world, since this is against the law on Neith she was forced to smuggle herself through the security zone surrounding the starport. Once inside she approached several ships asking to sign on, but was rejected by them all, finally she found a ship willing to hire her (Drafted: 5), a free trader called the "Waldeck". Initi...