1,001 Characters #38: Zafari

38. Zafari        975866     ex-Navy Lieutenant    Age 22      1 Term

Skills: Gunnery-1, Engineering-1, Foil-1, Vacc Suit-1.

Benefits: TAS Membership, Foil.

    Zafari joined the Navy as a cocky young man and when he was discharged he was even cockier, despite the circumstances of his discharge. 

    Initially trained as a gunner (Gunnery-1), Zafari did his apprenticeship in the engineering section (Engineering-1). He happened to be in the right place, at the right time, and saved the daughter of the admiral during raid on the naval base. The admiral rewarded him by giving him a commission as an ensign and a TAS membership. As an officer he was allowed to wear a sword with his dress uniform, he chose a foil because it suited his idea of a dashing young naval officer, of course he sought instruction in the correct way to fight with it and practised often (Foil-1). Training in vacuum conditions was a common occurrence and he became quite good at all aspects of vacc suit use (Vacc Suit-1). 

    Zafari was (and still is) so cocky that when he discovered he had opposition for the affections of the admiral's daughter, that he challenged the "cad" (yes, he did use that word), to a duel. Despite duelling being illegal the "cad" accepted and chose foils as weapons. 

    Zafari won the duel, by pinking his opponent in the left thigh, but took it too far and with a quick flourish carved his initial into the "cad's" forehead. Unfortunately for Zafari the cad was also the son of a baron, who put a swift end to Zafari's career, having him discharged immediately.

    Zafari has just stepped out of the Naval base into the starport proper, with his few possessions (Mustering out: Foil and TAS). He knows he needs to get off world, before the baron can have him killed, so he's looking to sign on with the first ship that will take him.

    Indid    0802    A433779-D    N    Na Po                                    G

Referee:  Zafari is very cocky and thinks he can do almost anything, so he will have a go at pretty much anything; This has gained him some friends (the Admiral and his daughter) and some enemies (the "cad" and his father the Baron). He has to leave Indid now, before the Baron's goons can catch him. The Baron wants him dead, but the "cad" has instructed the goons to bring Zafari back so he can be tortured and humiliated before he is killed. 

    When I picture Zafari in my mind, I see Antonio Banderas' portrayal of Zorro, and I think Zafari may have actually seen an old holo of that ancient media file, which probably goes a long way towards explaining why he carved a Z in the "cad's" forehead.


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