Efforts at a my own homebrew setting.

Update: see Library Data: Entry 1 for a brief outline of the setting.

I've started to design my own Alternate Traveller Universe (ATU) or My Traveller Universe (MTU). It's nowhere near ready and will, as all such efforts, never be completely finished. However, I will try to post updates on my progress as often as possible. 

A few of the assumptions made regarding MTU follow:

  1. I will primarily use Classic Traveller LBBs 1-3, and Supplement 4.
  2. This will be a small ship universe.
  3. The big empires of the Official Traveller Universe (OTU) do not exist, somewhere off stage at present. They will be somewhat different, due to the small ship universe.
  4. I will focus on an area of space located between several of these empires. so far out, that earth is a distant memory and is probably unknown to most.

Ok, assumptions made, I've rolled up a subsector I've named "The Void", you'll see why when you see the map below. The Void is subsector K of Auzhan Sector. Incidentally this was created using the Random Subsector Generator at The Zhodani Base, a very useful app.

This map and the following linked data files will be updated as and when I can. 

I still need to work out allegiances and the political situation, but he world data is nearly complete. Note since there are 36 worlds in The Void, I also included a d66 die roll for determining a character's homeworld. Here's a link to the World Data and a link to the same data in the format used by the Random Subsector Generator RSG World Data. This should let you copy and paste into the editor and make changes and print out different style maps.

I've started work on some library data, but it's early days, so there isn't much there as yet.

Some interesting points about The Void:

  1. There are no industrial worlds within The Void.
  2. There are only three worlds which are largely self sufficient, (no trade codes).
  3. The remarks section includes the notations NL and NIL, which indicate Native Life and Native Intelligent Life respectively. There are four intelligent species native to The Void. Additionally There are two Droyne populations present within the subsector. 
  4. There are no high population worlds either. 
  5. Several small pocket empires exist, the Telmun Union (Tu) and the Mon'Kell Dijad (MKD) are mapped, others are yet to be detailed. There are a few worlds who are either colonies or have been conquered by other worlds. Hadi Muhi and Vheri VII are colonies of New Alexandria; more correctly they are separate colonies established by the two most powerful nations on New Alexandria. Mondi is an agricultural colony of Liluri. New Rodinia is under military rule from New Deseret, and finally Fixte is a conquered world, being occupied by New Oberon forces.
  6. Standard ship designs are prominent, with adaptations to the setting. For example, the MKD has four worlds with shipyards, but only one of those worlds can produce starships. That world is  The world Moni is TL B which means any ship produced in those shipyards is limited to drive types A-K only. Therefore MKD Moni Type C cruisers are only rated to J-2 and 2G performance, with more space allocated to other interior needs.
  7. The other three shipyards can produce non-starships at TL 8, A and B respectively. The TL 8 shipyard is more of a maintenance yard. They have the maintenance equipment, shipped in from off-world, but not the manufacturing capability to build ships of their own.
  8. TLs have implications for the TL of any ships acquired, as an example, older ships (both starships and non-starships) with an MKD registry number will be built to a TL 9, A, or B standard. Whereas new non-starships can be built to TL A or B standards. But new starships are all built to TL B standards. There are rumours of the MKDN experiments with higher tech level equipment. 
 That's it for now.


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