Factions and Miniatures

So I've been trying to work out which miniatures to use for which faction. Most of the GZG factions have their own range of miniatures, however some ranges are fairly comprehensive with new sculpts filling them out, while others are rather sparse, with only a few packs or in some cases none.

So armed with a list of manufacturers, access to their websites and images of their miniatures, I've attempted to match miniatures to GZG factions.
In some cases I've assigned several ranges of miniatures to one faction, to provide variety and flexibility allowing for different types of forces within a given faction.

In other cases a faction is given just one range of miniatures, this represents a major unit type within the faction, however there are additional possibilities. For example all factions may use the Colonial Defence Force range from GZG, and the two Islamic factions may use any Islamic irregular miniatures that are on the market (I have not listed these on the spreadsheet).

In a lot of cases I have not been able to assigned a miniatures range to a GZG faction because a suitable faction does not exist, this is particularly true for aliens. In theses cases I have simply assigned them a temporary faction until I can figure out if and how they should fit into the campaign universe.

This list is incomplete and a work in progress, but the basic idea is there, so I thought I'd share it.

Factions, Manufacturers and Miniatures.ods

That's an OpenOffice or LibreOffice spreadsheet file for those who do not know. Your office suite should be able to open it, if not you can always download either OpenOffice or LibreOffice, both are free and just as functional, if not more so, as any office suite software you can buy.


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