I've just begun painting my ground force, beginning with a pack of GZG's 15mm NSB Panzergrenadiers, (Note: I use the German name Neu Schwäbischer Bund (NSB) rather than the English New Swabian League (NSL)).

These guys are from pack SG15-N15 NSL Panzergrenadier Rifles C with closed visors, in the NSL (New Sculpts) section.

I tried to follow this tutorial by Clear Horizon Miniatures. Tried being the operative word, I wasn't happy with the green I applied after the undercoat, so I went over it with a light grey,  then I dry brushed with Foliage Green, Clover Green and Potter's Clay. Also tried to get some flesh tone between the visor and facemask, that didn't really work. They are just waiting for basing materials and a matt finish, but I might try to paint the NSL emblem on the left shoulder and the 33rd Panzergrenadier Battalion emblem on the right shoulder.



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