
Ok, so apparently I suck at painting. I painted a GZG 25mm NSL Panzergrenadier. I thought I'd try a mid grey for the armour, just to see how it would go compared to the cam job I did on the 15mm figures. While the paint job is terrible, I do prefer the grey over the camouflage uniform.

I'm old enough that most of the war movies I remember were set in WWII. When I think of the German military, the first thing that pops into my head is an image of a Wehrmacht soldier in grey serge. German and grey go together in my mind.

So guess what colour scheme my NSL troops will be sporting on the battlefield this summer.

I used Sullivan's Matt Acrylics, (because the store that sells them, Lincraft, is only 100m from my place).
I hand brushed on a Jet Black undercoat (I don't have an airbrush)
I used a Mid Grey for the armour and uniform, leaving the boots, visor, facemask, weapon, fingers and pack black.
I tried to do the face in Fleshtone and the carrying handle and stock of the weapon in Hazelnut Cream, but neither really worked, the lighter colours seemed too watery to conceal the balck undercoat (even after some serious shaking and stirring on the palette).
I then did the helmet visor in a mix of Antique Red and Black, (I haven't got the nack of adding a shine effect to it yet).
I touched up some major bungles with brush, and then gave the figure a dark wash, (actually used black with some of my already used acrylic thinners to dilute it so it was sort of a really dark grey wash).
Anyway here he is:

Oh... and here are some of his 6mm comrades in arms, black base coat, with mid grey on raised surfaces.


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