Kra'Vak Revisited, Part 1.

Recently I was looking at some of the other rules made for the Kra'Vak and they prompted me to look at my Kra'Vak a bit closer. Upon doing so I discovered the Kra'Vak officer figures were wielding a weapon that wasn't accounted for in house rules. This weapon is either a carbine or a pistol with an attached stock, as it clearly has a shorter barrel than the rifle.
A quick browse through the different rules led to slight modification of the Kra'vak weapons list and an adjustment to their body armour.

Kra’Vak firearm names use the prefix ‘S’ (Sliver) and the suffix ‘ak’ (Killer) with an appropriate descriptive lead such as Ko’, Ra’, Da’, Va’ and Lo’. Thus the Kra’Vak ground weapons are:

Ra’Sak (Light Sliver Killer)
The basic personal weapon for Kra'Vak commanders, vehicle and flight crews is the Ra’Sak gauss carbine. The weapon fires short bursts of up to four 4-mm sabots at very high velocity. The limit is to prevent a warrior in the grips of Ro'Kah from emptying the weapon in a single uncontrolled burst. In game terms it is a firepower 2 impact D12 weapon.

Ko’Sak (Assault Sliver Killer)
The basic rifle for the Kra'Vak warrior is the Ko'Sak gauss rifle. This weapon is configured to fire shot bursts of up to four 8-mm sabots at very high velocity. The limit is to prevent a soldier in the grips of Ro'Kah from emptying the weapon in a single uncontrolled burst. In game terms it is a firepower 3 impact D12 weapon.

Da’Sak (Swift Sliver Killer)
The Da'Sak Gauss Machine Gun is a larger, fully automatic weapon firing an 8mm armour piercing sabot. It is often used with a gyro-stabilised frame. It is a support firepower D10 impact D12 weapon.

Va’Sak (Large Sliver Killer)
The Va'Sak gauss tank killer is the standard anti-armour weapon. It consists of 3 fixed barrels and a fourth sabot in a chamber in the center of the weapon that is cycled into the first chamber after it is fired. The sabot is a 40mm ferrous iron jacketed spent uranium armour piercing shell with a shaped charge behind it to drive it further into the target upon impact. In game terms it as a 4 shot IAVR
firepower D10 impact D12* weapon.
While the weapon cannot be reloaded on the battlefield it is not considered disposable and is carried with the soldier for as long as is possible. For long term deployments extra, loaded Va'Saks can be carried in the Tu'Ha and can be exchanged by spending an action in contact with the ICV.

Lo’Sak (Stealthy Sliver Killer)
The general sniper rifle in use is the Lo'Sak. It is a single shot gauss rifle firing a 25mm armour-piercing sabot. Support firepower D10 impact D12.

Kra’Vak Body Armour and Sensors
Troop                               Armour   Movement(unencumbered) Sensors
Juves (Green Troops)                  d6                             6”                              d4
Warriors                                      d6                             8”                              d6
 (Regular or Line Troops)
Senior Warriors                          d8                             10”                            d8
 (Veteran or Elite)

That's all for now 
Five Alpha, out


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