
I wanted to try and emulate the camouflaged skin pattern of the mutants in Amtrak Wars on my GZG Alien Mercenaries. I used Tamiya Flat Flesh for the base skin colour and added stripes in Flat Earth, his pants are Field Grey, belts and goggles are Burnt Sienna, metal parts are Humbrol Tank Grey, with a light coat of Metallic Grey over the top and  smattering of Red Oxide for rust.

He's still a little wet and shiny, and needs a bit of touching up around the back of the head and I might change his boot colour to match the belts. But here he is. Behold the mighty Captain Shakatak!

Made some minor adjustments to Shakatak, he now has yellow eyes, the goggles are now dark, his boots are now a brownish colour and I painted the band across the toe of his boots tank grey.

I also made a start on his men, er..warriors...  I've only done the harness, boots and goggles.


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