1,001 Characters #14: Dublin Bullrich


14. Dublin Bullrich    273AAC   ex-Other     Age 46      7 Terms

Skills: Dagger-1, Medical-1, Brawling-1, Gambling-1, Computer-1, Body Pistol-2.

Benefits: Cr210,000, High Psge, Body Pistol.

    The daughter of an exiled Alexandrian noble, Dublin was born on one of the prison stations orbiting Vheri VII. The low gravity on the stations contributed significantly to her physique (STR 3 and DEX 9), while poor quality living standards caused numerous health problems (END 3).

    As a child Dublin was often forced to defend herself from other prisoners, (Dagger-1). Her poor health required frequent visits to the station infirmary, it was these visits that inspired an interest in her own treatments and medicine in general. She began to help out in the infirmary when she could and gradually it became a full time job (Medical-1). Sometimes a patient would act out violently, and she learned some techniques to help control the situation enough for her to administer medical aid (Brawling-1). Her role as one of the station's medics entitled her to slightly better living conditions. Her health should have improved (+1 END) however long term health problems began to take their toll (Ageing: -1 END). To pass the time Dublin would take part in games of chance, and developed some expertise at various games (Gambling-1). All the while her health continued to deteriorate (Ageing: -1 DEX and -1 END). The orbit of her prison station was slowly, but steadily decaying, and apparently the Alexandrian authorities were going to do nothing about it. The guard commander, formed a team of security personnel and trusted prisoners, to discover the cause and hopefully rectify the problem. It turned out to be a problem with the programming of the automatic station keeping controls. In the process of discovering and fixing the problem, Dublin and a few of the team actually had to teach themselves the ins and outs of the computer system (Computer-1). Her health continued to spiral down (-1 STR and -1 DEX). With her new found computer expertise, Dublin was able to tweak the programming of the station's systems, marginally improving the internal environment, recycling and hydroponics yield. Due perhaps to the slightly better living conditions and increased food supply, her health recovered somewhat (+1 END). 

    Her efforts on behalf of her fellow inmates, finally brought her to the attention of the system administrator; She took an interest in her case and on reviewing her record, discovered that she was technically not a prisoner at all, she had simply had the misfortune to be born on the station. Apparently her parents had powerful enemies and instead of removing her from the prison, they simply had a new record created labelling her as a new arrival.

    Some careful requests for clarification, determined that there was no longer any need or desire to keep her imprisoned. Finally after 46 years, Dublin was released from the prison her parents were exiled to. Alexandrian authorities were understandably reluctant to have her plight become public knowledge, and she was asked to sign an agreement, in which she agrees to never visit Alexandria or return to Vheri VII. In exchange she will be released with a large indemnity (Mustering out: Cr210,000), and passage out system will be arranged for her (Mustering out: High Psge). One of the guards handed her a compact little pistol "just in case" (Mustering out: Body Pistol and Body Pistol-2) as she left the station for the very first time.

    Dublin has spent her entire life aboard an orbital prison station, she has spent the past month or two at the very minimal prison starport, learning about the universe outside prison in preparation for her departure.

    Dublin is very tall and thin, and she is not comfortable in standard or higher gravity.

    Vheri VII    0207    D9B5469-8          Ni, Px (O:0308)

Referee: Her mustering out rolls included three results of Gun. I gave her one body pistol and have assume that she has had considerable practice with similar but homemade versions whilst aboard the station. How she managed to conceal that experience from the guards is up to you and/or the player. Dublin has some understanding of the "outside" from her rather hurried reorientation, she has heard stories from other inmates and guards, but she has no actual experience with it. She may experience some agoraphobia in open spaces, and despite growing up in a prison she does not seem to have any criminal intent or exhibit criminal behaviour. Dublin may need assistance in high gravity, never having experienced it before. 

    Dublin will be found at Vheri VII starport, where the authorities will approach the party to arrange her high passage to any system but Alexandria. Just before departure, she will be told to avoid Vheri VII and Alexandria, as part of her release agreement.

    I leave it up to the referee whether to pursue the family enemy thing. Ostensibly there is no longer any problem, but maybe her family's enemies are still around and transfer their ire to her just because she carries the Bullrich name.


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