1,001 Characters #31: Stephanie Kurpisch
31. Stephanie Kurpisch 47659A ex-Merchant 4th Officer Age 22 1 Term
Skills: Bribery-1, Jack of Trades-1, Mechanical-1.
Benefits: Cr5,000.
Unlike the majority of Cepheians, Stephanie Kurpisch did not idolise the military. To her the military seemed to be little more than a factory designed to produce thugs. This viewpoint is understandable in someone who watched her boyfriend get stabbed to death in a duel between members of two different fleets. Oh, the men involved were punished to the full extent of the law, but the whole experience soured the entire military for Stephanie. So much so that when it came time for her to choose a career, she chose to sign on with a merchant ship, rather than follow the Kurpisch family tradition of fleet service. In fact if one discounts mad uncle Mike, she is the first Kurpisch in five generations who didn't join the fleet or marines.
Stephanie signed on with a merchant line and served for four years as the ships broker (Bribery-1) and sometimes assisted in the engine room (Jack of Trades-1 and Mechanical-1). But she disliked the rigid formality of the merchant line and her constant disregard for the rules led to her being discharged from service (failed re-enlistment roll).
She's not sure what she wants to do next, perhaps sign on with a free trader, they seem far less formal and might offer better opportunities. Her savings (Mustering out: Cr5,000) won't last long so she's pretty much ready to go now.
Cephei VI 0210 A200578-D N Ni Va
Referee: Stephanie has a rather strong dislike for military personnel, (when rolling reactions for her, count the +1 for 5 or more terms of Army, Navy, Marine or Scout service as -1 instead). Stephanie is not a fighter and will always prefer to resolve conflict non-violently. That being said, she is no coward, having grown up in a military family; she has learned to handle most weapons when needs must.
Stephanie can be found initially at any class A, B, C, or D starport.
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