1,001 Characters #28: Kumiho Whiskey
28. Kumiho Whiskey A44C79 ex-Merchant Age 34 4 Terms
Skills: Vacc Suit-1, Navigation-1, Air/raft-1, Electronics-1, and Steward-1.
Benefits: Cr6,000, Low Psge x2.
Kumiho signed on with a subsidised merchant, where she began by handling cargo and continued handling cargo for almost a year (+1 STR). A decompression emergency nearly killed her and thereafter she made it her business to know everything about her vacc suit, so it wouldn't happen again (Vacc Suit-1). Not long after she began studying navigation in her spare time and gradually completed her navigators course (Navigation-1) with that qualification under her belt she was promoted to 4th Officer.
Pursuing her career further she learned to operate air/rafts and other grav vehicles to help out while dirtside (Air/raft-1). But she didn't get the promotion she was looking for.
Working with the ships electronic equipment interested her and she took pains to learn everything she could about them in her spare time, actually gaining a qualification in electronics (Electronics-1). But alas, still no promotion.
Transferring to a subsidised liner in hope of better opportunities for promotion, she took a position as a steward (Steward-1). Even here she found that promotion eluded her, and as the term was coming to an end she decided to pull the plug and maybe go her own way. After all she wasn't getting any younger (Ageing: -1 STR, DEX, and END).
Kumiho has a penchant for partying hard and living the high life, and if she thinks of saving at all it's only so she has enough to continue partying the next time (Mustering out: Cr6,000).
Currently she is standing at the starport outside the ticket office, debating with herself whether to use the tickets she was given at discharge (Mustering out: Low Psge x2), but if serving aboard merchant ships has taught her anything, it's not to travel via low passage (Mustering out: +1 INT) you can die in low berth.
Canis 0703 B667675-9 N Ag Ni Ri G*
Referee: As mentioned above, Kumiho likes to live the high life and party's hard, and consequently is usually strapped for cash. She also has pretty poor taste in men, and women for that matter; if she's has a choice, she will invariably choose the wrong partner, and the relationship will break down rather quickly. A cabin mate once made the observation that Kumiho herself was in fact the only common denominator in each of her failed relationships. She later went on to say the same about her continued failure to gain promotion. Shortly after Kumiho asked to be reassigned to a different cabin.
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